Wildlife in Mind
General advice on wildlife gardening
The 'tips' that appear on starting Natural England Gardening with Wildlife in
Mind CD-ROM offer general advice for gardeners wanting to 'work with nature'.
These appear in a classified list below.
Habitat creation
Managing Lawns
Pest control
- There are thought to be 15 million gardens in Britain.
- Gardens cover a larger area in England than all nature reserves combined.
- The use of peat by gardeners is destroying valuable wildlife habitat.
- There are now many alternatives to peat for all garden purposes.
- A log pile in a corner of the garden can be an invaluable wildlife habitat.
- Save water by using butts.
- Avoid using flexible mesh netting (eg pea netting) if grass snakes live
nearby as they may get tangled in it and die.
- Mulch your beds and borders with bark or gravel and reduce the need for
- Make a bog garden in an old sink or container.
- A garden sprinkler can use as much water in two hours as a family of four
uses in two days - using a watering can around the roots of your plants is
more efficient.
- Buy split reed rather than bamboo screens: the reed is sustainably harvested
in Norfolk.
- Use water butts to collect rainwater from all roof spaces including your
shed and greenhouse.
- Take care when buying stone for your rockery – some may have been
removed from natural limestone pavements